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Australian Biological Resources Study

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Australian Faunal Directory

Abbreviations, Contractions and Symbols

  alt. altitude
  Art. Article
  Bd Band
  E east, eastern
  ed. / eds editor / editors
  edn edition
  emend. emendation
  fasc. fascicule
  fig. / figs figure / figures
  ft feet
  ICZN International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
  Is. / Ils Island / Islands
  km kilometre
  Lfg Lieferung
  livr. livraison
  loc. cit. loco citato (in the place cited)
  m metre
  ms manuscript
  Mt / Mtn / Mts Mount / Mountain / Mountains
  N north, northern
  Nat. Natural
  Natl National
  no. number
  nom. nov. nomen novum (new replacement name)
  nom. nud. nomen nudum (not an available name)
  comb. nov. combinatio nova (new combination)
  ns new series
  op. cit. opere citato (in the work cited)
  p. / pp. page / pages
  pl. / pls plate / plates
  pt / pts part / parts
  S south / southern
  ser. series
  sp. / spp. species
  Tom. Tome / Tomus
  var. variety
  Verl. Verlag
  Vol. Volume
  W west, western
  [name] square brackets enclosing a valid or available name indicate a qualification of the use of that name in the context in which it appears
  * an asterisk associated with the type data indicates the type(s) has not been seen by the author; an asterisk associated with a distribution or an ecological descriptor implies that the information has not been confirmed
  Male symbol male(s)
  Female symbol female(s)
  ACT Australian Capital Territory
  NSW New South Wales
  NT Northern Territory
  QLD Queensland
  SA South Australia
  TAS Tasmania
  VIC Victoria
  WA Western Australia
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