
Australian Biological Resources Study

About ABRS Fauna Online

The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) aims to make available, free of charge, taxonomic and biological information on all animal species known to occur in Australia. Currently, ABRS Fauna Online delivers the Australian Faunal Directory (encompassing the Zoological Catalogue of Australia database), the Fauna of Australia and the Census of Australian Vertebrate Species.

Core data

The core structure of the Australian Faunal Directory, and the priority for compilation, will be a checklist to species. This checklist will contain:

Additional information

Subsequent compilation will include:

Other information

Other information will be compiled depending on demand and as resources allow. This will include items such as extralimital distribution, diagnosis, identification keys, type data, host lists, and use in trade.


Just over half of Australia’s described fauna is now included in the Australian Faunal Directory. Some published sections of the Fauna of Australia are now available as pdf documents from the web-site. The Census of Australian Vertebrate Species (CAVS) has been fully revised (February 2007): the species codes are also included in the Australian Faunal Directory for the Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia.


Enquiries are welcome from authors who may wish to make their data available for inclusion in the Australian Faunal Directory or to establish links to other sites. The Australian Faunal Directory is a collaborative project and contributions will be acknowledged. Conversely, ABRS asks that those using information from this site acknowledge its source with a citation.


While every effort will be made to ensure that information delivered by ABRS is accurate, no warranty to that effect is given or implied. Views expressed in ABRS material do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government.